Past Life, Life Between Life and Quantum Consciousness
are a sequence of therapies providing an opportunity to regain clarity of purpose and understanding about who we are, where and what we are doing on our life’s soul journey. These therapies offer a pathway to feeling more resolved, on track and fully present to what life has to offer here and now!
The pace of modern life can be overwhelming at times, and we can find ourselves a little lost, uncertain or disoriented. At these times we can all benefit from a higher perspective! From this place we can find an objective viewpoint where we can get the answers and the clarity we need.

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxation during which we may tap into our subconscious mind. This is the part of our mind that influences the habits we choose, what we think, how we feel…

What is Past Life Regression?
A Past Life Regression (PLR) can recover memories of past lives or other incarnations. These memories may reveal the source of fears or provide insight into a current life challenge or relationship conflicts…