About Lana

Lana Spitz

Lana Spitz is the founder of Past Life and Beyond. She is an adept Yoga instructor, practitioner of Iridology, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Life Between Life therapy and Quantum Consciousness. Lana is an accredited member of The Newton Institute – the home of certified practitioners who provide the experience of Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (LBL) to people all over the world. Similarly, she is an accredited member of The Institute for Quantum Consciousness.

Lana is a life-long devoted practitioner of all things progressive in the realm of body, mind and spirit and maintains a rigorous physical and spiritual practice and constant learning approach to life. She provides safe and grounded space for soul journey work, and brings compassion and vision as a healer to her practice.


Past Life and Beyond offers three main types of therapy – Past Life Regression (PLR), Life Between Life (LBL) and Quantum Consciousness. These three therapies can provide those who are in a difficult place, perhaps struggling with mental health, low self esteem,  grief or just feeling uncertain about life, with some clarity of purpose and understanding of who they are. With many years of experience behind her, Lana makes all her clients feel safe and comfortable for the entirety of their session and really helps them to explore their consciousness in a way they never knew was possible.

Past Life Regression  £225   (Complete session lasts on average 2 hours)

Life Between Life  £395   (Complete session lasts on average 4 hours)

Package of both PLR and LBL £550   (These sessions need at least a few days in between in order to process the experience and information)

Quantum Consciousness  £225   (session lasts on average 2 hours)

The above therapies may help provide insight and understanding of the root causes of any of life’s challenges and conditions, such as

  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Anxiety
  • Relationships
  • Low self esteem
  • Grief and Loss
  • Depression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Feeling stuck, confused or disoriented


As an initial skeptic, Lana put me at ease and re-assured me I was in control of whatever journey I wanted to take. What followed was a deeply relaxing and fascinating visit into my sub-conscious, which held secrets and clues I am still unraveling today. She was a sensitive guide who supported me toward answers I know to be true and relevant to my life now and that continue to help me in my search for inner peace and happiness. A wonderful experience that I would recommend to everyone!

Lana made me feel comfortable and really at ease, so I was able to tell her what was coming up for me during the session, however obscure it was.
I left feeling with clarity and a deeper sense of what was and had gone on in my life.
I needed to let go of some painful issues from the past and this has helped. It was like 6 months therapy in one session!
I was able to record it on my phone and listen back which was really useful

I very much enjoyed my past life regression session with Lana. I found it deeply relaxing and enlightening. (The effects stayed with me for some days)

Lana’s approach is light and friendly. She has a great sense of humour and immediately puts you at ease.
She is certainly gifted in this area and I am looking forward to the quantum consciousness session I plan to have with her soon.

It was really important for me to find the right person for the PLR and LBL sessions, as I knew that I needed to relax in order to do it. Lana was really friendly, and had a soothing voice and presence. As Lana made everything easy and comfortable, I relaxed into the session much better than I could have hoped, and mostly importantly – much better than I could have done with another practitioner.

During the session, there were points where I approached difficult topics which were really relevant to my current life experiences, but I initially felt scared to pursue them further. Lana knew exactly the thing to say to alleviate my fear and help me get more out of the session. Lana somehow knew exactly the right questions to ask, so that I could gain the knowledge I needed that would be relevant to me after the session.

Not only did I get the answers that I was looking for, but as a result of the session the way I feel in my day to day life has changed as well. What really helped me even more – were Lana’s comments after the session. Since the session, if I have found things difficult, I would remind myself of what Lana said to me after the session, and I would immediately feel relieved and encouraged to keep going.

As a result of both the way Lana handled the session, and Lana’s comments afterwards, I feel much clearer about my place in life. I am deeply grateful for the experience, and will come back to Lana for another session again.

I had never experienced a past life regression before I went to see Lana and I can only say it was one of the most powerful and uplifting experiences I have had.  I felt safe and comforted as she took me to a place of deep relaxation to start the journey and  then gently guided me through.  I feel it opened me up a to deeper understanding as to who I am and began to make sense of parts of myself that I couldn’t get a handle on before. I am deeply grateful.


  • National Guild Hypnotherapist
  • Past Life Regression Therapist
  • Life Between Life Therapist
  • Quantum Consciousness Facilitator
Newton Institute
  • International Association of Counselors and Therapists
  • Certified Iridologist (Incorporated with Health and Nutrition)
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Yoga Instructor
Quantum Consciousness


Lana works mostly from her home in London SW15 in a peaceful setting by Putney Heath.
She also travels Europe widely and visits the East and West coast of the USA regularly.
Should you have any other questions, please feel free to contact her via email or the contact number below.

Thank you for your interest!